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Cheapest Super Mario 3D World

The world’s most famous Plumber and his brother are back and ready to take on challenges.

Mario is spending an enjoyable evening with friends watching a lovely firework display when he stumbles across a pipe and a very panicked Sprixie princess. Mario discovers that Bowser has bottled up all the Sprixie folk and has them as captives. Bowser takes Sprixie Princess from right in front of Mario and his friends sparking a whole new adventure for the team.



Choose which character you will play as, Mario, Luigi, Peach or Toad. There is a fun new feature too called cat transformation where you can run like a cat and pounce in your fun cat costume.

Each playable character has their own unique abilities for example princess peach can glide over gaps, despite normally being kidnapped this time she is the one doing the rescuing. Luigi can jump higher than other character with him being taller. Toad may be small but he does have speed on his side, he is the fastest of all the characters. And then theres Mario, the good guy who has a lot of energy and is always there to help.


  • Wii U
  • Mario
  • Multiplayer


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