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Evolve is a cooperative/competitive video game, you can play in single player or multiplayer. Play as monster or hunter, play solo or multiplayer.

Play in a team of four hunters to fight against an alien monster. The monsters can evolve by killing smaller creatures it then enters a cocoon stage where it will be vulnerable for a short period of time. You can earn power ups that the monster and the hunters can obtain by killing wildlife.



The aim is for the hunters to kill the monster before the monster has a chance to destroy the power relay, the monster will need to be at level 3 in order for it to be able to destroy the power relay.

While you try to defeat the monster you will also have to rescue injured colonists before the monster can kill them, if you can save five colonists before the monster kills five colonists you will win.

The monster will be trying to protect its eggs that are place in six random locations around the map. The game takes place in a variety of locations including a jungle scene.


  • PS4 and Xbox One
  • Online co-op
  • Single player/ Multiplayer


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