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Cheapest Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare is an upcoming first person shooter videogame from the Call of Duty series. It is the eleventh title in the series.

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare is set in the year 2054, there has been a global terrorist attack performed by the organisation KVA. They have destroyed the nuclear reactors of the developed countries around the world. In many of the countries the governments and the armies have been left devastated leaving the countries vulnerable against the attacks of the KVA.



The game is first person perspective as with all the previous games.

This game uses holographic projections from the weapons instead of the traditional heads up. You will be the advanced soldier using high tech weapons and a cutting edge exoskeleton suit, you will choose between standard ammunition or directed energy weaponry.

You can play single player and multiplayer.

In single player you earn points that you can use to upgrade your exoskeleton suit and in the multiplayer mode you will be able to choose the gender of your soldier.


  • PS4, Xbox One, Xbox 360 and PS3
  • First-person shooter
  • Single player/ Multiplayer
  • Call of Duty series


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