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Cheapest Borderlands 2

Borderlands 2 is set five years after the end of Borderlands, the games main villain is Handsome Jack the self declared dictator of Pandora. Jack has blocked out most of the light from the planet by building an H shaped base in front of Pandora’s moon which he uses as a supply base.

The new team has been tasked with Killing handsome jack and bringing back the peace to Pandora.



The game is a First person role playing shooter.

There are four playable characters all new to the game, Salvador who is known by the nickname Gunzerker, a siren called Maya, a commando called Axton and an assassin called Zer0.

You start off by selecting which of the four characters you want to play. You will gain experience by killing enemies and completing challenges.

As well as new characters there are also new enemies, you will need a new strategy for each fight because you enemies will help each other to try and stop you.


  • Xbox 360, PS3
  • Role playing shooter
  • Co-op online


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